Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Where's Waldo?

Can you find the two kids blending into the trees here?

These two cannot get enough of playing at the park, and climbing trees, and swimming at the pool. You know these are the kind of things children are supposed to be doing.

Where they live in Hondurus there is no place they can safely play. The roads are dirty and there are rats running around the drains. The drivers do not watch out for children playing. TB is rampant and probably many other diseases we don't even know about yet.

It is a different world, one which most of us will never comprehend or understand. I am just glad to know that my grandchildren can leave and come get all their playing in. Now I just have to keep working on talking their mother into staying in Costa Rica with them.

It may not be too much problem if Hurricane Agatha keeps kicking butt in their neck of the woods. Of course we are apparently the earthquake capital these days, don't know which is more fun out of those two.

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